In 2010, Founder and Board Chair David Wasserman established The Art Therapy Outreach Center (ATOC) to address the growing need for mental health services in New York City. With administrative and in-kind support from the School of Visual Arts (SVA), ATOC launched its programs in 2011. SVA has remained a steadfast partner, providing rent-free office and studio space, IT support, and more. SVA President David Rhodes and MPS Art Therapy Department Chair Debi Farber were both founding board members, SVA  continues to support our efforts.


In 2016, to mark our fifth anniversary and better reflect our mission, we became The Art Therapy Project (TATP). Over the years, we expanded our scope, gaining certification to offer Continuing Education workshops for Licensed Creative Arts Therapists, social workers, and psychologists, strengthening the connection between art therapy and mental health. In response to pandemic anxiety and burnout, we introduced Wellness Workshops for frontline and essential workers. 

Recognized as a thought leader in the field and on the cutting edge of service delivery, TATP was asked by the American Art Therapy Association to present workshops at their annual national conferences on TeleArt Therapy and Hybrid sessions. In addition we have provided training locally for art therapists, art therapy students, and others in the field.